in memory

My mother's creative spirit - her love of verse, theatre, colour, line and texture - touched everyone who knew her in many ways. We are truly blessed.
I will remember her most with a paint brush and well used palette in hand, clothed in skivvy and her favourite paint-stained woolen jumper and pants, with her art group out in the cold winter New England bush.
There was never a time in my childhood when she was not experimenting with one medium or another - pastels, ceramics, copper enamel, oils, sculpture, watercolour. I loved being able to dabble alongside her and my feeble efforts were always given pride of place.
Her confidence and love of experimentation taught me to see inherent beauty in the world around us, to follow my heart and to celebrate and trust in the creative process and the joy it brings our lives.

With fondest memories
Marie Elizabeth Patterson (nee Addison)
2.2.1916 - 6.7.2010